Distributed Computing
I’ve also written a book (in Chinese) to describe the design of my Raft implementation.
Bluetooth Control For Relay LED Source Code
- A test of integration between rabbitmq and finagle
- A toy template written in scala
- xsbt-project-skeleton
- Fizz Buzz Whizz
- fork of apache commons httpclient 3 with additional per-host timeout feature
- attic, a simple intercepeter for acceptance test
- Recommend Centor using Mahout
- A simple solution to lazy load in Java
- A trick to change log level at runtime
- a DSL for security filter
Electronic Technology
All Source Code
Model Car(中文) 日本語
Voice Detected LED(中文) PDF(日本語)
Auto Camera Source
Report8 Source Code Article(中文) 日本語
Get Wallpaper Source Code Article(中文) 日本語