- 前序节点有可能已超时
- 后续节点有可能已超时
- (除了哨兵节点)head不可能是超时节点
在上图中,C的前序节点B已超时,为了让A能唤醒自己,C需要设置自己的previous指针到A以及A的next指针为自己。当然signal successor标志也是要设置的。对于A来说,后续节点B已超时,A需要唤醒自己的后续节点中没有超时的第一个节点,即C。第三点不难理解,head的推进是由已经获取锁的线程处理的,所以新的head指针肯定对应一个非超时的线程。
import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference; import java.util.concurrent.locks.Condition; import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock; import java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport; @SuppressWarnings("Duplicates") public class UnfairTimedLock1 implements Lock { private final Queue queue = new Queue(); private final AtomicInteger reentrantTimes = new AtomicInteger(0); private Thread owner; public boolean tryLock(long time, @Nonnull TimeUnit unit) throws InterruptedException { if (owner == Thread.currentThread()) { // reentrant reentrantTimes.incrementAndGet(); return true; } if (reentrantTimes.get() == 0 && reentrantTimes.compareAndSet(0, 1)) { owner = Thread.currentThread(); return true; } final long deadline = unit.toNanos(time) + System.nanoTime(); Node node = new Node(Thread.currentThread()); Node predecessor = queue.enqueue(node); long nanos; while (true) { if (predecessor == queue.head.get() && reentrantTimes.get() == 0 && reentrantTimes.compareAndSet(0, 1)) { myTurn(predecessor, node); return true; } nanos = deadline - System.nanoTime(); // timeout if (nanos <= 0L) { abort(predecessor, node); return false; } switch (predecessor.status.get()) { case Node.STATUS_ABORTED: predecessor = queue.skipAbortedPredecessors(predecessor, node); predecessor.successor.set(node); break; case Node.STATUS_SIGNAL_SUCCESSOR: LockSupport.parkNanos(this, nanos); break; case Node.STATUS_NORMAL: /* * recheck is required after CAS * 1. CAS failed * 2. CAS successfully, but status changed to ABORTED before parking * 3. predecessor unlock between first check and CAS(no unpark) */ predecessor.status.compareAndSet(Node.STATUS_NORMAL, Node.STATUS_SIGNAL_SUCCESSOR); break; } if (Thread.interrupted()) { abort(predecessor, node); throw new InterruptedException(); } } } private void abort(@Nonnull Node predecessor, @Nonnull Node node) { node.clearThread(); Node p = queue.skipAbortedPredecessors(predecessor, node); Node ps = p.successor.get(); // linearization point node.status.set(Node.STATUS_ABORTED); /* * at end * * A -> |<B> * ANY -> |ABORTED * * no lost-wakeup problem */ if (queue.tail.get() == node && queue.tail.compareAndSet(node, p)) { /* * failure is ok, which means * new node may enqueue between removing and setting successor */ p.successor.compareAndSet(ps, null); return; } /* * at beginning * * A -> |<B> -> C * ANY -> |ABORTED -> ANY * * lost-wakeup problem may happen * * scenarios * 1. B didn't set flag of A * * 2. B was signaled * sequence * a. B set flag * b. A signaled B * c. B aborted */ if (p == queue.head.get()) { signalNormalSuccessor(node); return; } /* * in middle * * A -> |B -> <C> -> D * ANY -> |ANY -> ABORTED -> ANY * * lost-wakeup problem may happen * * conditions * 1. no one set flag of B * 1.1 D set flag of C before C aborts * 1.2 C didn't set the flag of B * * 2. B acquired lock and finished processing after p == head check * * first, try to set flag of B, then recheck if predecessor finished(unlocked or aborted) */ if (p.ensureSignalSuccessorStatus() && p.thread.get() != null) { Node s = node.successor.get(); if (s != null && s.status.get() != Node.STATUS_ABORTED) { p.successor.compareAndSet(ps, s); } } else { signalNormalSuccessor(node); } } private void myTurn(@Nonnull Node predecessor, @Nonnull Node node) { owner = Thread.currentThread(); node.clearThread(); queue.head.set(node); node.predecessor.set(null); predecessor.successor.set(null); } private void signalNormalSuccessor(@Nonnull Node node) { Node successor = queue.findNormalSuccessor(node); if (successor != null) { LockSupport.unpark(successor.thread.get()); } } public void unlock() { if (owner != Thread.currentThread()) { throw new IllegalStateException("not the thread holding lock"); } int rt = reentrantTimes.get(); if (rt < 1) { throw new IllegalStateException("reentrant times < 1 when try to unlock"); } if (rt > 1) { reentrantTimes.set(rt - 1); return; } // rt == 1 owner = null; // linearization point reentrantTimes.set(0); Node node = queue.head.get(); if (node != null && node.status.get() == Node.STATUS_SIGNAL_SUCCESSOR && node.status.compareAndSet(Node.STATUS_SIGNAL_SUCCESSOR, Node.STATUS_NORMAL)) { signalNormalSuccessor(node); } } @Override public void lock() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public void lockInterruptibly() throws InterruptedException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public boolean tryLock() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override @Nonnull public Condition newCondition() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @SuppressWarnings("Duplicates") private static class Queue { final AtomicReference<Node> head = new AtomicReference<>(); final AtomicReference<Node> tail = new AtomicReference<>(); /** * Enqueue node. * * @param node new node * @return predecessor */ @Nonnull Node enqueue(@Nonnull Node node) { Node t; while (true) { t = tail.get(); if (t == null) { // lazy initialization Node sentinel = new Node(); if (head.get() == null && head.compareAndSet(null, sentinel)) { tail.set(sentinel); } } else { node.predecessor.lazySet(t); // linearization point if (tail.compareAndSet(t, node)) { t.successor.set(node); return t; } } } } @Nullable Node findNormalSuccessor(@Nonnull Node node) { Node n = node.successor.get(); if (n != null && n.status.get() != Node.STATUS_ABORTED) { return n; } // find normal node from tail Node c = tail.get(); n = null; // tail maybe null during lazy initialization while (c != null && c != node) { if (c.status.get() != Node.STATUS_ABORTED) { n = c; } c = c.predecessor.get(); } return n; } @Nonnull Node skipAbortedPredecessors(@Nonnull Node predecessor, @Nonnull Node node) { Node h = head.get(); Node p = predecessor; while (p != h && p.status.get() != Node.STATUS_ABORTED) { p = p.predecessor.get(); /* * set predecessor every time to help successors of * current node to find the normal predecessor more quickly */ node.predecessor.set(p); } return p; } } /** * Node. * <p> * Status change: * NORMAL -> ABORTED */ private static class Node { static final int STATUS_NORMAL = 0; static final int STATUS_ABORTED = -1; static final int STATUS_SIGNAL_SUCCESSOR = 1; /** * thread will be null if * 1. abort * 2. enter mutual exclusion area */ final AtomicReference<Thread> thread; final AtomicInteger status = new AtomicInteger(STATUS_NORMAL); final AtomicReference<Node> predecessor = new AtomicReference<>(); // optimization final AtomicReference<Node> successor = new AtomicReference<>(); Node() { this(null); } Node(@Nullable Thread thread) { this.thread = new AtomicReference<>(thread); } boolean ensureSignalSuccessorStatus() { int s = this.status.get(); return s == STATUS_SIGNAL_SUCCESSOR || (s == STATUS_NORMAL && this.status.compareAndSet(s, STATUS_SIGNAL_SUCCESSOR)); } void clearThread() { thread.set(null); } } }
首先Node增加了status,替换掉了原先的signal successor标志。status的迁移图如下
先从最简单的开始,即上图的上部。B没有后续节点,那么肯定没有唤醒问题。这块对应abort方法中node == tail时候的代码。如果CAS tail为前置节点成功的话,说明自己真的是末尾节点,接下来CAS设置前置节点的next指针为空。这里并没有检查CAS的返回值。CAS失败的时候意味着在CAS tail指针之后有新节点入队了。从另一个角度来说,为了防止B的处理覆盖掉新入节点的设置,这里必须用CAS。
接下来分析B为第一个候选节点的情况,即上图的中间部分。要知道B为了让A能够唤醒自己,会设置A的status为SIGNAL。那么B abort时,A的status是SIGNAL还是NORMAL?回答是两者都有可能。tryLock的代码中,在第一次检查nanos是否小于0的时候,有可能超时时间太短,直接被判定为超时的话,A的status为NORMAL。另一种情况是设置A的status为SIGNAL之后,线程被中断。当然还有线程park中被中断,等待超时等情况,此时A的status为SIGNAL。
- C在B放弃之后,尝试让B唤醒自己,CAS不成功加上再次读取B的status的时候发现B已经放弃了,此时C会越过B尝试设置A的status,并在A的status被确实设置为SIGNAL之后park
- C在B放弃之前,尝试让B唤醒自己
- 再次读取B的status时为ABORTED,接下来与1一样
- 再次读取B的status时为SIGNAL,即B还没放弃,C会park
- B已放弃
- B未设置A的状态为SIGNAL,A不会唤醒B,唤醒丢失
- B设置了A的状态为SIGNAL,A跳过B,唤醒C
- 虽然B未设置,但是C设置了A的状态为SIGNAL,A在查找后续节点时跳过了B,唤醒C
- B未放弃
- B未设置A的状态为SIGNAL,A不会唤醒B,唤醒丢失
- B设置了A的状态为SIGNAL,A唤醒B,唤醒丢失
- C在B放弃前park了(线程C分析2.2)
- B超时时间过短,直接放弃
- D在ensureSignalSuccessorStatus调用之前获取了锁又释放了锁,此时D不会唤醒C,唤醒丢失
- D在ensureSignalSuccessorStatus调用之后释放了锁(获取可以在之前或之后),此时D会唤醒C
- D在ensureSignalSuccessorStatus调用之前放弃,ensureSignalSuccessorStatus会失败,C需要A来唤醒
- D在ensureSignalSuccessorStatus调用之后放弃,由于D是第一候选节点,按照上面中间部分的说明,D会无条件唤醒后续节点,即C
情况1比较麻烦,检查D是否以及完成的条件只能在myTurn方法中找,实际可用的只有一个,thread == null。当然你也可以选择增加status。情况3由于ensureSignalSuccessorStatus会失败,不用增加判断。
以上分析对应abort最后的代码,如果ensureSignalSuccessorStatus成功和thread != null时才可以认为没有唤醒丢失的问题,其余情况即1和3,需要无条件唤醒C。情况3中有可能A唤醒了C,B也唤醒了C,但是考虑到A可能去唤醒D了,所以此处还是需要B确定C被唤醒。
abort中还有一些代码,比如最开始的设置thread为null。个人理解这是放弃了的线程减少被额外唤醒用的,比如作为第一个候选节点的时候。上面的分析中,基本都是依赖status来判断节点是否放弃,没有看到用thread == null来判断是否abort的地方。当然如果我的分析错了,欢迎指出。
说到跳过放弃了的节点,Queue#skipAbortedPredecessors中不是找到了第一个未放弃的节点之后设置自己的previous指针,而是遍历时每次都设置。个人理解是想做多线程下的helping,即A在skip时,A后面的节点在skip时,可以通过A更快找到未放弃的节点。只是考虑到skipAbortedPredecessors时(包括abort方法)节点还没设置status为ABORTED,理论上,A的后续节点遍历到了A就停下了。即使A skip之后,立马abort,后续节点也不需要这种helping。所以个人这块持保留意见(如果AQS的cancelAcquire方法原先是在设置status之后skip的话另当别论)。至少在现在的ReentrantLock中应该是不需要的。
import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference; import java.util.concurrent.locks.Condition; import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock; import java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport; @SuppressWarnings("Duplicates") public class UnfairTimedLock2 implements Lock { private final Queue queue = new Queue(); private final AtomicInteger reentrantTimes = new AtomicInteger(0); private Thread owner; public void lock() { if (tryLock()) { return; } Node node = new Node(Thread.currentThread()); queue.enqueue(node); while (true) { if (queue.isNextCandidate(node) && reentrantTimes.get() == 0 && reentrantTimes.compareAndSet(0, 1)) { myTurn(node); return; } if (isReadyToPark(node)) { LockSupport.park(this); } } } public void lockInterruptibly() throws InterruptedException { if (tryLock()) { return; } Node node = new Node(Thread.currentThread()); queue.enqueue(node); while (true) { if (queue.isNextCandidate(node) && reentrantTimes.get() == 0 && reentrantTimes.compareAndSet(0, 1)) { myTurn(node); return; } if (isReadyToPark(node)) { LockSupport.park(this); } if (Thread.interrupted()) { abort(node); throw new InterruptedException(); } } } public boolean tryLock() { if (owner == Thread.currentThread()) { // reentrant reentrantTimes.incrementAndGet(); return true; } if (reentrantTimes.get() == 0 && reentrantTimes.compareAndSet(0, 1)) { owner = Thread.currentThread(); return true; } return false; } public boolean tryLock(long time, @Nonnull TimeUnit unit) throws InterruptedException { if (tryLock()) { return true; } final long deadline = unit.toNanos(time) + System.nanoTime(); Node node = new Node(Thread.currentThread()); queue.enqueue(node); long nanos; while (true) { if (queue.isNextCandidate(node) && reentrantTimes.get() == 0 && reentrantTimes.compareAndSet(0, 1)) { myTurn(node); return true; } nanos = deadline - System.nanoTime(); // timeout if (nanos <= 0L) { abort(node); return false; } if (isReadyToPark(node)) { LockSupport.parkNanos(this, nanos); } if (Thread.interrupted()) { abort(node); throw new InterruptedException(); } } } private boolean isReadyToPark(@Nonnull Node node) { Node p = node.predecessor.get(); int s = p.status.get(); if (s == Node.STATUS_SIGNAL_SUCCESSOR) { return true; } if (s == Node.STATUS_ABORTED) { p = queue.skipAbortedPredecessors(node); p.successor.set(node); } else if (s == Node.STATUS_NORMAL) { p.status.compareAndSet(Node.STATUS_NORMAL, Node.STATUS_SIGNAL_SUCCESSOR); } return false; } private void abort(@Nonnull Node node) { node.clearThread(); Node p = queue.skipAbortedPredecessors(node); Node ps = p.successor.get(); // linearization point node.status.set(Node.STATUS_ABORTED); if (queue.tail.get() == node && queue.tail.compareAndSet(node, p)) { p.successor.compareAndSet(ps, null); return; } if (p != queue.head.get() && p.ensureSignalSuccessorStatus() && p.thread.get() != null) { Node s = node.successor.get(); if (s != null && s.status.get() != Node.STATUS_ABORTED) { p.successor.compareAndSet(ps, s); } } else { signalNormalSuccessor(node); } } private void myTurn(@Nonnull Node node) { owner = Thread.currentThread(); node.clearThread(); queue.head.set(node); reentrantTimes.set(1); Node predecessor = node.predecessor.get(); node.predecessor.set(null); predecessor.successor.set(null); } private void signalNormalSuccessor(@Nonnull Node node) { if (node.status.get() == Node.STATUS_SIGNAL_SUCCESSOR) { node.status.compareAndSet(Node.STATUS_SIGNAL_SUCCESSOR, Node.STATUS_NORMAL); } Node successor = queue.findNormalSuccessor(node); if (successor != null) { LockSupport.unpark(successor.thread.get()); } } public void unlock() { if (owner != Thread.currentThread()) { throw new IllegalStateException("not the thread holding lock"); } int rt = reentrantTimes.get(); if (rt < 1) { throw new IllegalStateException("reentrant times < 1 when try to unlock"); } if (rt > 1) { reentrantTimes.set(rt - 1); return; } // rt == 1 owner = null; // linearization point reentrantTimes.set(0); Node node = queue.head.get(); if (node != null && node.status.get() == Node.STATUS_SIGNAL_SUCCESSOR) { signalNormalSuccessor(node); } } @Override @Nonnull public Condition newCondition() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @SuppressWarnings("Duplicates") private static class Queue { final AtomicReference<Node> head = new AtomicReference<>(); final AtomicReference<Node> tail = new AtomicReference<>(); /** * Enqueue node. * * @param node new node * @return predecessor */ @Nonnull Node enqueue(@Nonnull Node node) { Node t; while (true) { t = tail.get(); if (t == null) { // lazy initialization Node sentinel = new Node(); if (head.get() == null && head.compareAndSet(null, sentinel)) { tail.set(sentinel); } } else { node.predecessor.lazySet(t); // linearization point if (tail.compareAndSet(t, node)) { t.successor.set(node); return t; } } } } @Nullable Node findNormalSuccessor(@Nonnull Node node) { Node n = node.successor.get(); if (n != null && n.status.get() != Node.STATUS_ABORTED) { return n; } // find normal node from tail Node c = tail.get(); n = null; // tail maybe null during lazy initialization while (c != null && c != node) { if (c.status.get() != Node.STATUS_ABORTED) { n = c; } c = c.predecessor.get(); } return n; } boolean isNextCandidate(@Nonnull Node node) { return node.predecessor.get() == head.get(); } @Nonnull Node skipAbortedPredecessors(@Nonnull Node node) { Node h = head.get(); Node p = node.predecessor.get(); while (p != h && p.status.get() != Node.STATUS_ABORTED) { p = p.predecessor.get(); /* * set predecessor every time to help successors of * current node to find the normal predecessor more quickly */ node.predecessor.set(p); } return p; } } /** * Node. * <p> * Status change: * NORMAL -> ABORTED */ private static class Node { static final int STATUS_NORMAL = 0; static final int STATUS_ABORTED = -1; static final int STATUS_SIGNAL_SUCCESSOR = 1; /** * thread will be null if * 1. abort * 2. enter mutual exclusion area */ final AtomicReference<Thread> thread; final AtomicInteger status = new AtomicInteger(STATUS_NORMAL); final AtomicReference<Node> predecessor = new AtomicReference<>(); // optimization final AtomicReference<Node> successor = new AtomicReference<>(); Node() { this(null); } Node(@Nullable Thread thread) { this.thread = new AtomicReference<>(thread); } boolean ensureSignalSuccessorStatus() { int s = this.status.get(); return s == STATUS_SIGNAL_SUCCESSOR || (s == STATUS_NORMAL && this.status.compareAndSet(s, STATUS_SIGNAL_SUCCESSOR)); } void clearThread() { thread.set(null); } } }
如果你想更全面地了解锁的实现的话,建议阅读《the art of multiprocessor programming》中关于锁的部分。虽然大部分都是spin lock,具体实际基于park代码比较远,但是对训练多线程代码分析和设计很有帮助。
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