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この繊細さ、心地よい。 ( ´・ω・)つ旦
写个login form
随手写个login form,其实没什么inspiration。 顺便学习下jade,练习下transform。 [codepen_embed height=”423″ theme_id=”5731″ slug_hash=”qpahd” default_tab=”result”]See the Pen <a href=’http://codepen.io/gsshcl/pen/qpahd/’>login form</a> by GSSxGSS (<a href=’http://codepen.io/gsshcl’>@gsshcl</a>) on <a href=’http://codepen.io’>CodePen</a>.[/codepen_embed] 话说sass支持@function了,好强大,强大的无法直视。 说不定哪天就能直接在sass里写ruby了,233。
IE compatible mode 和 Boilertemplate
Google在Webmaster Tools页面提到: “Nofollow” provides a way for webmasters to tell search engines “Don’t follow links on this page” or “Don’t follow this specific link.” What are Google’s policies and some specific examples of nofollow usage? Untrusted content Paid links Crawl prioritization However, a solid information architecture — intuitive navigation, user- and search-engine-friendly URLs, and so…