a b c
任何a, b, c三个节点(父节点和两个子节点,左右子节点可能只有一个或者都没有)满足a < b < c。对于相等的值使用节点计数+1或者节点中的链表等不同的方式来处理。 a < b < c这个条件乍一看和二分搜索binary_search很像,实际查找元素时也是类似的,时间复杂度在O(logn)。 一般的二叉查找树(不考虑链表退化和平衡的处理)包含查找,创建树/增加节点,删除节点,前/中/后序遍历等操作,下面分别介绍。
// public class BinarySearchTree> class Node { T value; Node leftChild; Node rightChild; // assumption: left < value < right Node(T value) { this.value = value; } }
public class BinarySearchTree<T extends Comparable<T>> implements Iterable<T> { private Node root; public boolean contains(T x) { ... } public void insert(T x) { ... } public void remove(T x) { ... } public Iterator<T> iterator() { ... } }
- 判断当前节点是否和目标元素一致,一致就认为存在
- 如果目标元素小于当前节点,从当前节点的左子树中查找(递归)
- 否则(目标元素大于当前节点),从当前节点中的右子树中查找(递归)
public boolean contains(T x) { return contains(x, root); } private boolean contains(T x, Node node) { if (node == null) return false; int relation = x.compareTo(node.value); if (relation == 0 /* equal */) return true; if (relation < 0 /* less than */) return contains(x, node.leftChild); return contains(x, node.rightChild); }
- 如果目标元素和当前节点一致,抛出异常:重复节点
- 如果目标元素小于当前节点,并且当前节点左节点不存在,创建一个新的节点链接到当前元素;否则插入元素到左子树中
- 否则(目标元素大于当前节点)在当前节点右节点不存在时,创建一个新的节点链接到当前元素;否则插入元素到右子树中
public void insert(T x) { if (root == null) root = new Node(x); else insert(x, root); } private void insert(T x, Node node) { int relation = x.compareTo(node.value); if (relation == 0 /* equal */) throw new IllegalArgumentException("duplicated element [" + x + "]"); if (relation < 0 /* less than */) { if (node.leftChild == null) { node.leftChild = new Node(x); } else { insert(x, node.leftChild); } } else { // greater than if (node.rightChild == null) { node.rightChild = new Node(x); } else { insert(x, node.rightChild); } } }
public void insert2(T x) { root = insert2(x, root); } private Node insert2(T x, Node node) { if (node == null) return new Node(x); int relation = x.compareTo(node.value); if (relation == 0 /* equal */) throw new IllegalArgumentException("duplicated element [" + x + "]"); if (relation < 0 /* less than */) { node.leftChild = insert2(x, node.leftChild); } else { // greater than node.rightChild = insert2(x, node.rightChild); } // no node created, just return node itself return node; }
4 3 8 1 6 9 5
- 删除类似1这种没有子树的节点,直接删除即可
- 删除类似6这种只有左子树或者只有右子树的节点,把这种节点的左子树或者右子树链接到他的父亲节点,从约束上左子树的所有元素都小于待删除节点的父亲节点,右子树的所有元素都大于待删除接节点的父亲节点
- 删除类似8这种左右子树都存在的情况,方案有把6移动到8位置,或者把9移动到8的位置,更一般的描述是使用当前节点的中序前继或者后继节点替换当前节点的值,并删除中序前继或者后继节点(递归)
对于最后一种情况,结合二叉查找树中序遍历的结果升序序列来看,就是就是把邻接当前节点值的节点替换当前节点。比如[1, 3, 4]删除3,其实就用4或者1替换3,再删除4或者1,最后变成[1, 4]。
// position of child, for remove enum ChildPostion { ROOT, // current node is root LEFT, // current node is left child of parent node RIGHT; // current node is right child of parent node } public void remove(T x) { if (root == null) throw new IllegalStateException("empty tree"); remove(x, root, null, ChildPostion.ROOT); } private void remove(T x, Node node, Node parent, ChildPostion position) { if (node == null) return; // no such element, do nothing int relation = x.compareTo(node.value); if (relation < 0 /* less than */) { remove(x, node.leftChild, node, ChildPostion.LEFT); } else if (relation > 0 /* greater than */) { remove(x, node.rightChild, node, ChildPostion.RIGHT); } else { // current one is the node contains the element to be removed remove(node, parent, position); } } private void remove(Node node, Node parent, ChildPostion position) { if (node.leftChild == null) { if (node.rightChild == null) { // case 1: no child, just remove node itself connectNode(parent, position, null); } else { // case 2: only right child presents // connect parent to right child connectNode(parent, position, node.rightChild); } } else { // left child presents if (node.rightChild == null) { // case 2: only left child presents // connect parent to left child connectNode(parent, position, node.leftChild); } else { // case 3: left and right child both present // find in-order successor // node contains minimum value in right child tree Node min = node.rightChild; Node minParent = node; while (min.leftChild != null) { minParent = min; min = min.leftChild; } // replace value node.value = min.value; // remove in-order successor ChildPostion minPosition = minParent == node ? ChildPostion.RIGHT : ChildPostion.LEFT; remove(min, minParent, minPosition); } } } private void connectNode(Node parent, ChildPostion position, Node newChild) { switch (position) { case ROOT: root = newChild; break; case LEFT: parent.leftChild = newChild; break; case RIGHT: parent.rightChild = newChild; break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("unexpected child position [" + position + "]"); } }
public Iterator<T> iterator() { return inorderIterator(); } public Iterator<T> inorderIterator() { return new InOrderIterator(root); } // in-order iterator class InOrderIterator implements Iterator<T> { class NodeWithStatus { Node node; boolean expanded; NodeWithStatus(Node node, boolean expanded) { this.node = node; this.expanded = expanded; } T getValue() { return node.value; } boolean isEmpty() { return node == null; } } private LinkedList<NodeWithStatus> stack; public InOrderIterator(Node node) { stack = new LinkedList<NodeWithStatus>(); pushItem(unexpandedNode(root)); } private void pushItem(NodeWithStatus item) { if (!item.isEmpty()) { stack.push(item); } } private NodeWithStatus unexpandedNode(Node node) { return new NodeWithStatus(node, false); } private NodeWithStatus expandedNode(Node node) { return new NodeWithStatus(node, true); } public boolean hasNext() { return !stack.isEmpty(); } public T next() { if (!hasNext()) throw new IllegalStateException("no next element"); NodeWithStatus item; while (!(item = stack.pop()).expanded) { Node node = item.node; pushItem(unexpandedNode(node.rightChild)); pushItem(expandedNode(node)); pushItem(unexpandedNode(node.leftChild)); } return item.getValue(); } public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("unsupported operation"); } }